From the tears of his unanswered love and a pile of uneaten pizza a monster rises, for Leon to take care of, for better or worse...

    Kurt Platvoet

    Fiction, Fantasy | Netherlands | 2017 | 0:11:00


    Why being to the hairdresser is becoming a nightmare? And what about all this confusion?
    A very short movie short with an iPhone 6.

    Francesco Faralli

    Fiction | Italy | 2018 | 0:01:00


    The creation focuses on an unstructured languages between the two entities. They interact through signals, body and spoken language with their different intelligences. Existence presumes being in the reality and/or being alive. The human and the robot try to define new perspectives of coexistence.

    Justine Emard

    Experimental, Choreography | France, Russia | 2017 | 0:12:37


    Martin learns he has only weeks to live. Rather than tell everyone, he determines to learn the three pages of a Bach adagio for piano he’d abandoned as a child. He performs it for his wife and friends, completing his life and thanking those who brightened it along the way.

    Roger Gariépy

    Fiction | Canada | 2017 | 0:14:57


    Two sound recordists are working on a film. They realize that same as Thai government that never listen its citizens’ voice, the audience don't care about the sound they worked hard on.

    Sorayos Prapapan

    Fiction, Comedy | Thailand | 2017 | 0:15:42


    Our life is like walking on a tightrope. In times we are scared we lose balance. When we are happy we forget we walk on a rope. Main character is a girl named Luba and her friend Sparrow. By playing with him Luba forgets she is on a rope.(49)

    Zhanna Bekmambetova

    Animation | Russia | 2018 | 0:11:10

    Prize & Screenings:

    Tokyo Anime Award Festival, 2018, Japan, World Award of city


    Marisa is a widow who lives alone in a small countryside village, with her dog: Tico. One day, she receives the unexpected visit of Hiroshi, a Japanese gentleman who claims to be friends with her son. Despite the absence of a common language, they make efforts to communicate with each other.

    Pedro Collantes

    Fiction, Drama | France | 2018 | 0:25:00

    Prize & Screenings:

    Clermont Ferrand Short FilmFest, 2018, France, Special Mention of the Jury

  • ショッキング・暴力的描写などを含む作品
  • 性的描写などを含む作品
  • 学生監督作品

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