In the Mesozoic area, Rex and his dinosaur friends are going to be disturbed in their peaceful life by a tribe of annoying humans. A meteor shower will crash on the Earth. But dinosaurs are strong and humans will beg them to protect them. Rex will accept and save the humans. Dinosaurs and humans will evolve and coexist through the ages: antiquity, the Middle Ages, and contemporary times. Are dinosaurs going to cope with the annoying and invasive behavior of humans?
Léna Miguet, Marie Schaeffer, Swann Boby, Sixtine Sanrame, Lucie Laudrin and Marion Metivier
Animation | France | 2021 | 0:05:26 | Student Film

One day, out of nowhere, a giant Rock lays in the middle of the peaceful little village where Luce lives. The villagers can’t even open the door to their houses anymore! Luce is angry: go away Rock, you don’t belong here! And why are you here anyway?
Britt Raes
Animation | Belgium | 2022 | 0:12:59

A house, a garden and an old rusty basin, and the wind - everything has its mystery and its soul. This is how children feel. “A white-white day” tries to paint the magic of this feeling.
Vasily Chirkov
Animation | Russia | 2022 | 0:06:01

A little rain boot wakes up on a river’s side. On her journey through the forest she would overcome any obstacles to find her way back home. On the road she faces many events that will make her grow.
Fanny PAOLI, Anabelle DAVID, EMMA GACH, Claire ROBERT, Julie Valentin, Thēodore JANVIER
Animation | France | 2021 | 0:07:29 | Student Film

In this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again, in this society each human being repeats the same action over and over again.
Pablo Polledri
Animation | Spain | 2021 | 0:08:00

Superworm is super-long and super-strong and is always saving the day. But who can save him when he gets too full of himself and is captured by the evil Wizard Lizard?
Jac Hamman, Sarah Scrimgeour
Animation, Adventure | UK | 2022 | 0:25:45