In a world where vampires and humans coexist, Ren, a vampire, deeply mourns a beloved human who took her own life after being bit by their mutual friend, Kazuki.
Determined to bring him to justice, Ren conceals his true intentions of exposing him.
After drugging Kazuki and failing to get a confession, Ren contemplates suicide, only to realize that he cannot let go of his desire for retribution.
Bilal Kawazoe
Fiction, Thriller | Japan | 2022 | 0:18:59
A man is visiting a lake with his daughter and granddaughter to offer flowers where his wife was found dead 15 years ago. After his wife’s loss, the man doesn’t get along well with his daughter.
However, the daughter is trying to fix their relationship with her father because she found her father suffers from lung cancer. After offering flowers to his wife at the lake, the man and his grand daughter go for walk and find a small lodge.
Kiichiro Nakamura
Fiction, Drama | Japan | 2022 | 0:14:02
A newspaper man witnesses a weary girl at dawn.
Takuya Miyahara
Fiction, Thriller | Japan | 2022 | 0:13:46
Struggling to find work and entrenched in a personal health crisis, a former middle school teacher accepts a position as an online content moderator. She is faced daily with death, violence, and abuse—and reminders of unspeakable past traumas. As she becomes absorbed in her work, she endangers her stability, relationships, and psyche. Pain of the Anonymous explores how dehumanization and sympathy clash in a world numb to the plight of its people.
Daichi Amano
Fiction, Drama | Japan | 2021 | 0:27:06