An earthquake awakens a shapeshifting love sick monstrous cat who wreaks havoc on 10 stranded strangers.
- Director
- Ken Ochiai
- Data
Fiction | Japan | 2014 | 0:25:00
- Prize & Screenings:
- 福岡インディペンデント映画祭入選

This piece takes 8 seconds, and creates intervals between the frames, and then makes them bigger. It's about expansion and enlargement, not the passage of time.
- Director
- Yutaro Kubo
- Data
Animation | Japan | 2014 | 0:05:19

Why only me?
This story is about a delicate relationship between 4 elementary school students.
In a trifling opportunity, their relation is going to change.
- Director
- Shohei Tada
- Data
Fiction | Japan | 2014 | 0:23:00

Cry at Dusk
This is the story of city’s life and beauty intertwined as told by a radio program. The harsh reality of life is not easy to bear. Tomorrow never fails to come, so lift your heads up.
What matters is to remember the day’s scenery as we listen to the gentle music. And we can face forward.
- Director
- Takahiro Chubachi
- Data
Fiction | Japan | 2013 | 0:14:10
- Prize & Screenings:
- 2014 小樽ショートフィルムセッション 最優秀賞
A short story based in Takaoka about a young married couple who struggle between their dream and reality. The husband, Takashi, refused to take over the family business and wanders around while the wife, Suzu, moved to Takaoka and be supportive.
- Director
- Seiichi Hishikawa
- Data
Fiction | Japan | 2013 | 0:23:00
- Prize & Screenings:
- 2014年6月1日 ショートショートフィルムフェスティバル&アジア2014
2014年5月 Wa! Japan Film Festival 2014 in Firenze and Milan
8日 オデオン劇場(Firenze) にてオープニング作品として上映
13日 San Fedele講堂(Milan) にてオープニング作品として上映
2014年3月21・22日 東京丸の内 ビル1F「マルキューブ」にて上映
Student Director