
  • Next Floor

    During an opulent and luxurious banquet, 11 pampered quests participate in what appears to be a ritualistic gastronomic carnage. In this absurd and grotesque universe, an unexpected sequence of events destabilizes the endless symphony of abundance.

    Denis Villeneuve

    Fantasy | Canada | 2008 | 0:11:34


    An orbit of red and black. Coordinated by the assembly to reach a new galaxy. Neither dance nor editing and collage Encounter of the human and the form in a paréidolie universe.

    Guilaume Marin

    Experimental | Canada | 2017 | 0:02:36

    Prize & Screenings:

    Derapage film festival, 2017, Canada, First prize
    Rendez vous Cinema Quebecois, 2018, Canada


    Martin learns he has only weeks to live. Rather than tell everyone, he determines to learn the three pages of a Bach adagio for piano he’d abandoned as a child. He performs it for his wife and friends, completing his life and thanking those who brightened it along the way.

    Roger Gariépy

    Fiction | Canada | 2017 | 0:14:57

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