Sapporo International Short Film Festival and Market Sapporo International Short Film Festival and Market


Festival Update

Sapporo Peace Award Competition


Sapporo Peace Award Competition
Please submit your film from
SSF2012 Open Call
Sapporo Peace Award
The year 2012 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Sapporo Peace Declaration. In light of the purpose of the declaration, the Peace Award will be given to the film which provides the audience with an opportunity to think about peace and their roles toward creating a peaceful world as well as contributing to peace education for children. We are looking forward to many submissions for this award.

Sapporo Peace Declaration
It is the common aspiration of all humanity to establish a peaceful world which is free from war.
However, in spite of this ardent wish for peace, human beings are still not free from the menaces to peace, particularly from the horrible threat of nuclear destruction.
We believe that wars are the greatest reason for the devastation that has occurred to the earth’s environment. In the belief that nothing is superior to peace in securing the welfare of the people, we strive for a world in which all people can live an equally peaceful life.
In accordance with the spirit of peace cited in the Constitution of Japan, we, the citizens of Sapporo, pledge to keep the Three-Fold Non-Nuclear Principle (not to manufacture, store or introduce nuclear weapons), and to join efforts with peoples of the world, who respect faith and justice, in working towards world peace. The city of Sapporo, thus, declares that Sapporo is a peace-loving city which appeals for the extermination of nuclear weapons.
March 30, 1992

City of Sapporo

(This is a translation of the declaration originally written in Japanese.)